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New Life Church
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Les informations suivantes sont disponibles pour New Life Church:

At New Life, church is about people. It's about you. We're about real relationships, relevant speakers, real life stories, and rockin' worship. Why? Because God is real and He cares about people, so we do too.

There was once a time when people gathered in an atmosphere of genuine love for one another. People were real with each other, had nothing to fear, and relationships mattered. The scene was the first century AD: the early days of Christianity, the defining days of church. You don't need to throw out your definition of church, but we'd love for you to try ours on for size: at New Life, church is about people. It's about you. So we accept you just as you are: church background or not, student, single, married, single again, with or without kids, rich, poor, young, old, whatever. We are about real relationships, relevant speakers, real life stories and rockin' music. Why? Because God is real and he cares about people; He cares about you, so we do too.


New Life Church est à l'adresse suivante:

1541 Washtenaw Ave

Consultez la carte pour voir où vous pouvez trouver un New Life Church.


Les catégories suivantes décrivent New Life Church:

Cliquez sur le (s) lien (s) ci-dessus pour trouver un églises similaire dans Ann Arbor.

Use the following telephone number to get in touch with New Life Church:

(734) 623-6313

Consultez le site Web suivant pour New Life Church:


Les options de stationnement suivantes sont disponibles:

Parking, Rue

Que s'est-il passé à New Life Church récemment? Ici vous pouvez voir les nouvelles pertinentes:


“Going into Lent this year instead of giving something up, I decided to add something. God showed me the importance of praying with other people this semester, so I decided to pray with a different person each day over the course of the 40 days of Lent. I thought this would be a good way to serve others and build community, but God had something else in store for me. He wanted me to take a step of obedience towards trusting His calling for my life. Over the course of praying with so many people I have seen God move in such incredible, big ways. I have rejoiced with friends who have received dream job opportunities and who have been blessed with exciting new relationships. I have cried with friends who have felt defeated by the lies the devil spins in their minds. I have seen God so faithfully pursue people in all stages of their relationship with Him, with Him gently reminding people of His unwavering presence and goodness. . . Through all of these conversations with others I have felt the reassurance of God’s presence, which I have never felt so consistently and so closely before. He is a God that wants to give us the things that we want, but He is also our Perfect Father who always has our best interests at heart. At the beginning of Lent I didn’t understand why God said no to the internship I wanted, but I have learned that there is no reason to fear the unknown places that He is leading me into because His plan for my life is far greater than anything I could ever desire for myself, and He promises to walk every step with me right by my side.” -Ally #sliceoflifea2


“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." -Matthew 6:18-21 #WordWednesday


#SundaySetlist The Passion No Longer Slaves All I Need Lord of Lords Search My Heart


On Sunday, we started a new series called “All In.” The next 3 weeks, we’ll look at what it means to love God with all our mind, heart, soul and strength. Hope you can join us this Sunday at 10:01 AM! #SermonNotes


“All my life, I’ve known what I wanted my life to look like as an adult. And I thought that if I worked hard enough and made enough people like me, I’d get what I wanted. This year, as a junior in college, my life was already starting to look much differently than I expected. So, when faced with dissonance between my plans and reality, I did what I think a lot of humans try to do: I tried to take control. However, the more I sought after the “perfect” job, the perfect living situation, the perfect life- the life I wanted, the more anxiety and emptiness I felt. . . But then God showed me how to surrender. Through all my time with Him, in Scripture and prayer, I had been looking for a road map. I was looking for a way for God to help me get where I wanted to go. I knew He loved me, and scripture said He would give me what I want, right? But the piece I was missing is this: I didn’t know what was truly good for me. Only God knows that. And it may not look the way I want it to. But God’s plan for my life is so much better than my plan for myself because He knows me better than I know myself- He created me. . . The more I sat with this truth that God can and will provide, the more I surrendered over and over again, the more my anxiety subsided, the more I realized my plan for my life (all my hopes and desires) will never fulfill me. God will lead me to places that are more and more filled with Him. I don’t need a road map, I don’t need to see what’s ahead. I just need to intimately know the One who’s in the driver’s seat.” - Katie #sliceoflifea2


"You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you." -Isaiah 26:3 #WordWednesday


Did you know that we have a church app? Now available on the App store and Google Play. Just search for “newlifea2” or go to! We hope that it will be a great resource to stay connected and know what is happening in our church body. It also utilizes online giving with, making online giving simple and easy! If you have any questions, contact [email protected]!


#SundaySetlist The Lion And The Lamb Broken Vessels Pursue God With Us Only King Forever


We are grateful for this truth: God is always with us. #SermonNoted


If you’re an undergrad and want to join in the life and rhythms of our church this summer, come to the kickoff gathering for Summer New Life Team tonight at 7 PM! You’ll get to see who else is around Ann Arbor this summer and hear how we’ll be pursuing worship, community and mission together this summer. Meet in the auditorium at New Life!


"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come:The old has gone, the new is here!" -2 Corinthians 5:17 #WordWednesday


We had a great time celebrating yesterday at our annual Overflow service! 6 people shared stories of what God has done in the past school year. It was good to remember the Lord's faithfulness and worship him together!


We had a wonderful morning celebrating God's faithfulness in our lives this morning at our Overflow service! Here's the #SundaySetlist! . . You Are Life Living Hope Whole Heart Who You Say I Am


Join us this Sunday at 10:01 AM for our annual Overflow service! Overflow is a special time where we look back on all that the Lord has done in our church family this past year. It'll be a wonderful time of celebration and worshipping God together - we hope you can join us!


"I remember looking at my exam schedule in the early weeks of September, dreading the month of October as I basically had an exam every week from fall break all the way to the end of finals. The idea of reading the bible and spending time with God would pop into my head, however; I would rarely follow through. As the semester progressed, my mental health worsened as the stress of exams and projects consumed my mind and my relationship with God. . . Flash forward to one night in January of 2019, while walking home after studying in the league with a friend, I was involved in an accident where I was hit by a car as a pedestrian while crossing the street. Pedestrians around me quickly came to see if I was alright as two kind women helped me walk to the side of the road. The driver then got out of his car, walked over to me, and gave me a hug saying, “I’m glad you’re okay”. I wasn’t okay though and began crying uncontrollably after his hug. As doctors evaluated me by performing a series of tests, they were astonished that my injuries were so minor to what they should have been. The emotional trauma that I experienced was far worse. . . As I turned to God for answers, I was able to hear Him clearly for the first time in months. I realized that my life had recently been about my desires being met in the timeframe that I wanted. I was so self-consumed with my life that I failed to ask God if this was the life that He wanted for me. As I had these conversations with Him, I began to entertain the idea of taking a gap year or two before grad school to do something where I can channel God’s love to impact others. I want to fall in love with the world that God created by supporting young girls in STEM through teaching them math and science and by loving God and those around me. . . Unlike first semester, I’ve been finding time every morning before classes to spend uninterrupted time with the Lord and ask the question, “God, what do you want?”. I have no idea what my life will look like in the next couple of years but having total trust and hope in God is freeing because I know that whatever lies in my future is God’s best plan for me.” -Emily #sliceoflifea2


This is the best news that could ever happen! #SermonNotes


We had a wonderful morning celebrating our Savior's resurrection with you, church! Here's the #EasterSundaySetlist! . . Glorious Day The Passion Blessed Assurance Resurrecting 1000 Tongues


"On the first day of the week, very early in the morning, the women took the spices they had prepared and went to the tomb. They found the stone rolled away from the tomb, but when they entered, they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus. While they were wondering about this, suddenly two men in clothes that gleamed like lightning stood beside them. In their fright the women bowed down with their faces to the ground, but the men said to them, “Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here; he has risen!” -Luke 24:1-6 . . Happy Easter, Church!


"For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us. For the creation waits with eager longing for the revealing of the sons of God. For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of him who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself will be set free from its bondage to corruption and obtain the freedom of the glory of the children of God. For we know that the whole creation has been groaning together in the pains of childbirth until now. And not only the creation, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies. For in this hope we were saved. Now hope that is seen is not hope. For who hopes for what he sees? But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience." -Romans 8:18-25 . . . For us, we know the end of the story; that Jesus’s death is not the end, but that what follows death is resurrection. However, Jesus’s disciples were left with a different experience—one of confusion, grief, and waiting. They were stuck in the in between, and in a very real sense, we are too in this world, where not all makes sense and not all is yet made right. We can resonate with their pain, yet cling to confident hope of future glory. . . . If you’re in Ann Arbor this weekend, join us for our Easter service tomorrow at 10:01 AM! We’d love to have you as we celebrate this confident hope that we have in Jesus.


Ici vous pouvez trouver des photos de New Life Church:


Ici vous pouvez trouver des vidéos de New Life Church:

Did you know that we have a church app? Now available on the App store and Google Play. Just search for “newlifea2” or go to! We hope that it will be a great resource to stay connected and know what is happening in our church body. It also utilizes online giving with, making online giving simple and easy! If you have any questions, contact [email protected]!

The 10:01 service on 2/17/19. We are experiencing WiFi issues and are doing our best to get this resolved!

Christmas Concert

Join us for our Christmas concert this Sunday, December 9 at 6 PM. It’ll be a great time celebrating Christmas together. Invite your friends and family!

Advent 2018

This Sunday marks the start of Advent. In the Advent season, we take time to remember when Jesus stepped out of eternity to be with us. He came to offer His life for us, dying for our sins and rising from the grave. We also anticipate and long for His return. We wait for the day when he will come again to make all things news. There is much to hope for! Along with the start of Advent, we’ll begin a sermon series called “A Clash of Kingdoms” and will also be having baptisms! Hope you can join us at the 9:29 or 11:11 AM service :)

The Lonely Wolferine

Hear the story of the lonely wolferine, who ended up not being so lonely anymore :) A small group is a great way to be in community and seek God with others! Check out a New Life small group today. More information can be found at

Something Real

Join us for Something Real at the fall retreat, September 28-30! Sign up today at

Superheroes Small Group

Here at New Life Church, community is a way of life. And a small group is a great way to be in community! Check out a New Life small group today - where you can take your mask off :) More information can be found on our website

Parking Interviews

Thank you, church, for parking off site this summer while the Angell Elementary parking lot finished up their construction! The New Life interns were eager to welcome and interview people as they walked to church. Here's a little snippet of their interviews :)

Our interns got a little lost the first Sunday and ended up in the Adirondack Mountains, but they were back this last Sunday to greet and make your walk to church even more enjoyable!

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Restaurants proche

Vérifiez également ce Restaurants à proximité:

Jerusalem Garden
314 E Liberty St, Ann Arbor
Asiatique, Moyen-Orient, Vegan, Végétarien
MANI Osteria & Bar
341 E Liberty St, Ann Arbor
Americain, Européen, Italien
Metzger's Restaurant
305 N Zeeb Rd, Ann Arbor
Bavarois, Européen, Style de famille, Allemand
The Earle Restaurant
121 W Washington St, Ann Arbor
Européen, Italien
Zingerman's Roadhouse
2501 Jackson Ave, Ann Arbor
Americain, Barbecue
Angelo's Restaurant
1100 Catherine St, Ann Arbor
Americain, Petit déjeuner, Brunch, Style de famille
Seva Ann Arbor
2541 Jackson Ave, Ann Arbor
Sans Gluten, Vegan, Végétarien
Gratzi Ann Arbor
326 S Main St, Ann Arbor
Européen, Italien
Sava's Restaurant
216 S State St, Ann Arbor
Real Seafood Company Ann Arbor
341 S Main St, Ann Arbor
Fruit de mer
Vinology Wine Bar and Restaurant
110 S Main St, Ann Arbor
Gandy Dancer
401 Depot Street, Ann Arbor
Petit déjeuner, Brunch, Style de famille, Fruit de mer
Grizzly Peak Brewing Company
120 W Washington St, Ste 1, Ann Arbor
Ashley's Ann Arbor
338 S State St, Ann Arbor
Weber's Ann Arbor
3050 Jackson Ave, Ann Arbor
Chela's Restaurant and Taqueria
693 S Maple Rd, Ann Arbor
Fast Food, Tex-Mex
Monahan's Seafood
407 N 5th Ave, Ann Arbor
Fruit de mer
Wolverine State Brewing Co.
2019 W Stadium Blvd, Ann Arbor
The Heidelberg
215 N Main St, Ann Arbor
Européen, Allemand
The Brown Jug
1204 S University Ave, Ann Arbor
Aventura Ann Arbor
216 E Washington St, Ann Arbor
Européen, Espanol, Bars de Tapas
Cardamom Restaurant
1739 Plymouth Rd, Ann Arbor
Asiatique, Indien
Jamaican Jerk Pit of Ann Arbor
314 S Thayer St, Ann Arbor
Hôtels proche

Vérifiez également ce Hôtels à proximité:

Weber's Ann Arbor
3050 Jackson Ave, Ann Arbor
Hôtel Resort
Ann Arbor Regent Hotel & Suites
2455 Carpenter Rd, Ann Arbor
Hilton Garden Inn Ann Arbor
1401 Briarwood Cir, Ann Arbor
Graduate Ann Arbor
615 East Huron Street, Ann Arbor
Holiday Inn Express & Suites Ann Arbor
600 Briarwood Circle, Ann Arbor
Sheraton Ann Arbor Hotel
3200 Boardwalk St, Ann Arbor
The Kensington Hotel
3500 South State Street, Ann Arbor
Microtel Inn & Suites
3610 Plymouth Rd, Ann Arbor
Hôtel, Inn, Motel
Hampton Inn Ann Arbor-North
2300 Green Rd, Ann Arbor
Holiday Inn Express & Suites Ann Arbor West
323 North Zeeb Road, Ann Arbor
Wyndham Garden Ann Arbor
2900 Jackson Ave, Ann Arbor
Hôtel Resort
Hampton Inn & Suites Ann Arbor West
2910 Jackson Avenue, Ann Arbor
The Burnt Toast Inn of Ann Arbor, MI
415 W William St, Ann Arbor
Bed and Breakfast, Hôtel
Hyatt Place Ann Arbor
3223 S. State St., Ann Arbor
Bell Tower Hotel
300 S Thayer St, Ann Arbor
Residence Inn by Marriott Ann Arbor Downtown
120 West Huron Street, Ann Arbor
Fairfield Inn Ann Arbor
3285 Boardwalk St, Ann Arbor
Med-Inn Hotel
1500 E Medical Center Dr, Ann Arbor
Courtyard by Marriott Ann Arbor
3205 Boardwalk, Ann Arbor
Hampton Inn by Hilton - Ann Arbor South
925 Victors Way, Ann Arbor
Hôtel Resort
Holiday Inn Ann Arbor Univ. Michigan Area
3155 Boardwalk Drive, Ann Arbor
University Inn Ann Arbor
2424 E Stadium Blvd, Ann Arbor
Hôtel, Inn, Motel
Comfort Inn & Suites University South
3501 South State Street, Ann Arbor
Red Roof PLUS+ Ann Arbor - U of Michigan North
3621 Plymouth Road, Ann Arbor
Executive Learning and Conference Center
710 E University Ave, Ann Arbor
Agents immobilier proche

Vérifiez également ce Agents immobilier à proximité:

The Bouma Group - Ann Arbor Real Estate
564 S Main St Ste 100, Ann Arbor
Agent Immobilier
Trillium Real Estate
323 Braun Ct, Ann Arbor
Agent Immobilier, Société Immobilier
Maiga Homes
2144 S State Street, Ann Arbor
Agent Immobilier
Julie Picknell/The Charles Reinhart Company
2452 E Stadium Blvd, Ann Arbor
Agent Immobilier
Real Estate by Rall
2144 S State St, Ann Arbor
Agent Immobilier, Service Immobilier
Linda Lombardini, Trillium Real Estate
323 Braun Ct, Ann Arbor
Agent Immobilier
The Knick Team / A Reinhart Collaborative
2452 E Stadium Blvd, Ann Arbor
Agent Immobilier
David S. Malcolm, REALTOR
2200 Green Rd, Ann Arbor
Agent Immobilier
Spice Tree Apartments
4854 Washtenaw Ave, Ann Arbor
Service Immobilier
Glencoe Hills
2201 Glencoe Hills Dr, Ann Arbor
Service Immobilier
Ann Arbor Real Estate Talk
737 Packard St, Ann Arbor
Agent Immobilier
Katherine Mills Realtor
2200 Green Rd, Ann Arbor
Agent Immobilier
Skidmore Real Estate
2200 Green Rd, Ann Arbor
Agent Immobilier
Ann Arbor Homes For Sale
2200 Green Rd, Ann Arbor
Agent Immobilier
Piper Partners Real Estate Team
2144 S State St, Ann Arbor
Agent Immobilier, Service Immobilier
Rick Taylor Real Estate
2200 Green Rd, Ann Arbor
Agent Immobilier
Eastman Realty Group
717 W Ellsworth Rd, Ann Arbor
Agent Immobilier
Sierra Imwalle - Howard Hanna Real Estate Services
1898 W. Stadium, Ann Arbor
Agent Immobilier
Georgia Porikos Real Estate
2144 S. State Street, Ann Arbor
Agent Immobilier
Jack Brown - Howard Hanna Real Estate Services
1898 W Stadium Blvd, Ann Arbor
Agent Immobilier, Service Immobilier
The Perna Team - Ann Arbor
2144 S State St., Ann Arbor
Agent Immobilier
Come Home Michigan Real Estate
325 W Eisenhower, Ann Arbor
Agent Immobilier
Christopher Bergmans - Ann Arbor Realtor
325 W. Eisenhower Pkway, Ann Arbor
Agent Immobilier
Team Flood, Howard Hanna Real Estate
1898 W. Stadium Blvd., Ann Arbor
Agent Immobilier
The McLouth Team
2144 S State Street, Ann Arbor
Agent Immobilier
Salons de coiffure proche

Vérifiez également ce Salons de coiffure à proximité:

Hair Essentials Salon Studios
4695 Washtenaw Ave, Ann Arbor
Service d'Extensions de Cheveux, Salon de coiffure, Salon de Manucure
Orbit Hair Design
334 S State St, Ann Arbor
Salon de coiffure
119 W Washington St, Ann Arbor
Salon de coiffure, Maquilleur, Service de Soins de la Peau
Crystal Skull Studio
227 N. Maple Road #12, Ann Arbor
Salon de coiffure
Lulu Beauty Lounge
4569 Washtenaw Ave, Suite C, Ann Arbor
Salon de Beauté, Service d'Extensions de Cheveux, Maquilleur
Avissa Salon|Spa
1755 Plymouth Rd, Ann Arbor
Service d'Extensions de Cheveux, Service d'Épilation, Salon de coiffure, Maquilleur, Salon de Manucure, Service de Soins de la Peau
Grateful Dreads
409 1/2 N 4th Ave, Ann Arbor
Salon de coiffure
Lady Jane's
3365 Washtenaw Ave., Ann Arbor
Salon de coiffure
Diva nails 2 ann arbor
353 N Maple Rd, Ann Arbor
Salon de Manucure
Knix Studio: Hair by Kristin Snyder
3050 Washtenaw Ave STE 205 #24, Ann Arbor
Salon de coiffure
Salon De Lara
3069 Oak Valley Dr, Studio #10, Ann Arbor
Salon de coiffure
Unwind Salon
283 S Zeeb Rd, Ann Arbor
Salon de coiffure
The Hair Spot
1512 N Maple Rd, Ann Arbor
Salon de Coiffure, Salon de coiffure
Mirage Unisex Salon
3180 Packard St, Ann Arbor
Salon de Coiffure, Salon de coiffure
Lisa Mendik Leonard at Hair Lab
227 N.Maple Rd., Ann Arbor
Salon de coiffure
The Hair and Meegz LLC
307 E. Liberty Street, 2nd floor, Ann Arbor
Salon de coiffure
Oz Hair Studio
202 E Washington St, # 312, Ann Arbor
Salon de coiffure
Jenn's Place
227 N. Maple Rd Studio 7, Ann Arbor
Salon de Coiffure, Salon de coiffure
Westside Salon
1610 Jackson Ave, Ann Arbor
Salon de coiffure, Maquilleur
Encore Studio
407 N 5th Ave, Ann Arbor
Salon de coiffure, Salon de Manucure
Shear Colour and Design - Julianna Sparkowski
Ann Arbor
Salon de coiffure
Karma Hair Studio
227 N. Maple Rd Sola Salons Suite 1, Ann Arbor
Salon de coiffure
Taylor & Colt Ann Arbor
601 E Liberty St, Ann Arbor
Salon de Coiffure
Hair Studio BMK
3050 Washtenaw Ave, Ann Arbor
Salon de coiffure
Sprig Hair Studio 21
3050 Washtenaw Ave Ste 205 Studio #21, Ann Arbor
Salon de coiffure